I changed things around a bit, and added a few things. It's as new to me as it is to you, but I think it'll work. As usual I'll try to have a variety of topics, but come summer there will be more postings about car events. You can email me at cruisaholic@hotmail.com Keep the shiny side up!

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Crime, Angels, and Business

Saturday I recieved Alderman Lynn's 5th. Ward newsletter in the mail. The 5th. Ward meeting is this Tuesday, March 6, at 6 p.m., at the Adler Education Center in the Genesis Heart Institute at 1236 East Rusholme Street, in Davenport.

This proved to be an interesting newsletter so I thought I'd share some of it for those who don't recieve it. First I'd like to mention the Guardian Angels. They will be in town March 9-11. A public informational meeting is scheduled for Saturday, March 10, at a time and place to be announced. Curtis Sliwa is supposed to hold the meeting.

Crime is something I'm interested in and that was mentioned also. According to the newsletter and based on FBI statistics, our crime rate is about 60% above the national average, and growing faster than the national average. Alderman Lynn also states that we don't have a Police shortage and the many cities actually have fewer police and much lower crime rates. A copy of these studies will be on his website later at ProfBillLynn.com
It is also said that we're not gathering the statistics correctly and they are going to change the method of collecting the information. I think that's an old dodge most of us are getting tired of hearing. The FBI has standards so just such a thing doesn't happen. It's also stated in the newsletter that out of about 170 officers, we have only 68 patrol officers. This makes response time slower.

Of course Cigular bringing in 500 jobs is mentioned, along with the opening of 3 new businesses in the 5th. ward. The USA Cafe on East Locust, the Hilltop Diner on Harrison, and Dollar General next to Save-A-Lot on East Locust. Also mentioned is the fact that 6 new businesses have commited to opening in the Village of East Davenport. It also seems our property taxes are going to go up a little. Thank you Alderman Lynn for the information.

Your comments are welcome.

For the people who fought for it, freedom has a flavor the protected will never know.


Anonymous said...

One will admit to the truth only when it affects them personally. Crime is up and we see it, why doesn't Billy? Rose colored glasses perhaps. One would only wonder how much crime goes unreported. Also is it concidered a stat when the officer arrives at the scene and is UTL with suspects? Questions I would like to know. Vote Wally for Fifth Ward!

cruiser said...

Alderman Lynn admits there's a problem with crime. That's why he asked the Guardian Angels to come here. I plan on attending the 5th Ward meeting Tuesday, then I might know more. I do know alot of Police calls get held for up to an hour before they dispatch anyone to check. I would think the criminal isn't going to hang around that long. I too have heard the UTL (unable to locate) used even in shootings. Maybe Alderman Lynn will have some answers Tuesday night.

Anonymous said...

his answer is to eliminate the police dept and have the angles and fire dept take over. What a cost savings. He must have got his degree from a box of cracker jacks

Anonymous said...

Crime has not been reported correctly and the stats will show a huge drop in crime. But even if the calls dispatched data is reviewed it will show a drop in calls (read: crime). Cruiser, are you naive enough to really believe that our crime is 600% worse than the average? That doesn't seem fishy? You don't think someone screwed up the numbers somewhere? Do you know if anyone from the FBI has audited DPort's numbers?

The Guardian Angels are going to be laughing under their breath at Lynn and anyone who thinks this is a dangerous crime city. Compared to NYC we are a quiet little burg. The ones who want you to think crimes is up are those who want something more if you are willing to believe them. Figure it out.

cruiser said...

You're right, I don't think someone screwed up the numbers. I also don't think it's 600$ worse. I quoted Alderman Lynn who said it's 60% above the national average. I live in an area that has crime, and it's not lower. As for the Guardian Angels, I said from the begining I'm for them coming and I haven't heard anything to change my mind. figures.

Anonymous said...

I live in your neighborhood and I disagree. Crime is no better, no worse. The Angels are going to have to work not to split a gut from laughing at our "problem".

600 or 60, it makes no difference. The numbers are screwy.

Anonymous said...

City tax rate will be unchanged according to Guard's presentation at the Finance Committee last week. City property taxes will go down after you factor in the rollback. County taxes and school taxes we will have to wait and see.

Why does Bill spread inaccurate info? What is his (or who's) agenda?

Snarky Chick said...

"The numbers are screwy."

LOL - funny. With all the crime in the news and all the crime that is talked about on the blogs that doesn't even make it in the news you really think we don't have a problem with above average crime? The fact our own statistics back this up doesn't sway you?

**Handing anon a shovel to dig his head out of the sand**

Anonymous said...

From Head in the Sand - There are lies, damn lies and statistics.

Anonymous said...

The profeesor is running for Mayor, that is why he is addressing the crime issue. Funny enough, if one was to do a housing vs. crime study in Davenport, you would find that a majority of crimes and criminals live or happen at "rental housing". Those of you with scanners can attest to this. Prof Billy is associated with the Dan Lubell and the Quad Cities Rental Properties Assoc. and doesnt deny it. How can someone say they want to fight crime and support slumlords at the same time? I don't get it.

Cruiser, Try and get a comment out of Lynn about the Van Fossen issues, he's usually good about giving you his opinion (if you want it or not).

Anonymous said...

I don't like to get involved in blog discussions, but obviously the person (who
does not identify himself) has not been listening. I was speaking about the
crime issue when I ran the first time, and it is in my earliest letters to
voters. I won't dignify the rest with a response. If the person making the
accusations wants to call me my phone number is 320-3675.

Alderman Lynn

Anonymous said...

Thank you alderman. Those of us with scanners no doubt know the person who speaks with such venom is none other then Walter Skovronski. Why? He is trying to come up with an issue to run against you in the 5th Ward.

Anonymous said...

Try again, I know Wally though, and I doubt he has the time to sit and discuss rental housing along with the increasing crime rate. I believe that with all the crap that went on last year behind closed doors, you folks have made alot of us more politically active and I personally am sick of the way this town is represented. I will speak my mind unless those elected show me reason otherwise.

Now that I have your attention, what are you planning to do with the embarressing 1st Ward alderman? Are you going to step up? How about an answer!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't know you think I am, but I am not part of any group that has made anybody more politically active, other then the group to stop Wally. But, if rumors are to be believed, Wally has already thrown the towel in to Wayne Hean and so Wally won't run.

Anonymous said...

I do hope thet are working together, we need someone to stand up for the people and listen to what they say. We don't need a media whore in office anymore, thats the mayor's job.

cruiser said...

Those of us who know there is a crime problem, also know who is trying to do something about it. The problem is 2 or 3 Alderman on the council can't get anything through. Some of these people like Alderman Meyer has been through alot for what he says about crime, and things he tries to get done. So much for this city council trying to work together.
With our present City Administrator, Mayor, and Police Chief, I don't see much happening until after the election. As for Alderman Lynn running for Mayor, I don't know. I do know that after the Guardian Angels were first brought up, he ran with it. Now, even more of the city council admit there is a problem. For you people who don't see it, I can't explain it. But the people who try to do something about the crime problem get more negative posts then those who deny it's there. Somehow that doesn't seem right to me. So we'll have to agree to disagree on this one.

Anonymous said...

Bill: Why did you vote against the new NEO positions? What's the deal with you. A month ago you were fighting hard in support of that group and now you are not in support. Your reasoning at the council meeting was inadequate.

Anonymous said...

You know, I can't speak for alderman Lynn, but the amount of money appropriated was ridiculous for just four inspectors. Secondly, the current group from the fire department seem to be inspecting on the wrong cycles, creating a false need for more inspectors. It is the same old story, ignoring the very worst stuff and over inspecting the very best stuff.

Anonymous said...

A quote to support those who see the crime and try to get the attention of our elected to do something about it.
"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." Ghandi??

Anonymous said...

To the last two post:

Dude, you need to get a life! People are to be in bed at those times. Whats the matter,no l(w)ife?
Are you mad that the fire deparment is harassing you over your bad rentals or are you pissed that Chief Frese is coming up with a plan to attack preditor lenders like yourself? Get a life!

I stand behind the fire departments decission to hire additional inspectors because they are the professionals and they run a very efficent department.

Anonymous said...

Well, I am not sure who you think I am, but you have spent too much time drinking the wrong kind of water, I guess. The problem is that bad rentals are not getting harassed, and exactly what plan does Chief Frese have to go after predatory lenders? That is like saying the moon is made of cheese.

Anonymous said...

to 9:54 AM. Funny what wakes up a person at night. Sometimes it is the wife, sometimes it is worry about crime. Sometimes it's worry about crime against the wife. I have a life and love it. I also want to see it continue crime free. Good night and good morning