I changed things around a bit, and added a few things. It's as new to me as it is to you, but I think it'll work. As usual I'll try to have a variety of topics, but come summer there will be more postings about car events. You can email me at cruisaholic@hotmail.com Keep the shiny side up!

Monday, March 05, 2007

Open thread

Recently there have been some compaints by users of WebTV that they couldn't comment on the blogger blogs since we switched to the new setup. Since the new blogger doesn't have much of a support system in place, we looked elsewhere. I just opened a sister blog to this one at Just Cruisin 2

For right now the two will remain separate. I may or may not combine the two and close this blog. If you have an opinion about this, now would be the time to say what you think. I don't know the differences with WebTV as to why they couldn't comment here, but I believe if someone has something to say, they should be able to do so. There are other things in the news, but for now I just wanted everybody to know there is an option. Comments are welcome on either blog, just go easy on me with the other one as I'm still learning what all the buttons do.


Robbie said...

I personally am a big fan of wordpress. I think now that they offer the free hosting system similar to blogger, they are better hands down. I have used wordpress for blogs on my sites for 2 years now. They are highly configurable and have tons of addons and themes. I'm not a big fan of blogger personally.

cruiser said...

robbie c.,
I'm getting there. Wordpress does seem to have a lot more features. If I can get my posts from blogger to wordpress I'll be set.

Robbie said...

I have heard that there are some limitations when hosting with wordpress. I have always downloaded and installed the system on my webserver so I haven't encountered issues. I was able to do a test merge of posts from a blogger blog into my wordpress blog. Not sure if it would be any different for their hosted blogs though.

cruiser said...

robbie c.,
I was going to save everything first. Then if it doesn't load and screws up this blog, I would have it for reference. Sometimes I think a fresh start might be beter also.