I changed things around a bit, and added a few things. It's as new to me as it is to you, but I think it'll work. As usual I'll try to have a variety of topics, but come summer there will be more postings about car events. You can email me at cruisaholic@hotmail.com Keep the shiny side up!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

No crime open thread

It's Wednesday; do you know where the bangers are? I'm having a little trouble following the Police department actions on local problems. On December 21, 2006 there was a shooting in the alley behind Sav-A-Lot. No news there; but how can there be shooting if the police couldn't find the victim? It was smart of them to call the Hospitals to see if anyone was admitted with a gunshot wound. Since the first of the year we've had a stabbing, and a shooting. Someone was in custody in the stabbing, but the shooting is a bigger problem. The police spokespeople say they're having trouble finding witnesses, duh. If you live around here you know better than to be out at 2:45 a.m. We may be crazy for living here, but we are not stupid. It's a good thing the vicim crashed his car or they might not be able to locate a victim in that shooting either. I've said in my personal experience, I haven't had a problem with the police department, and that's true. But the more I hear of this kind of stuff going on the more I wonder. If I haven't had a problem does that mean one doesn't exist. I'm going to have to go with the QC Media blog author on this one. Start cracking down on these jerks. Bust them for hanging out, bust them for driving around, bust them because they need it. You didn't know about the drug house on LeClaire Street, you sure don't know about the punk who deals out of his car at the end of my alley. With 2 shootings you have 1 victim, and no suspects. That's not very impressive gentlemen.

And by the way, I've talked with neighbors that live in the area behind Sav-A-Lot and they still say there were 3 shootings last month. The police department will only acknowledge one so I don't know. Maybe the other two times the shooter picked up his shell casings, the victim walked away, and they couldn't find any evidence.
Add to that the vandalism with several car windows broken last week, and this area has a problem.
That's my take on it; anyone out there have a different take on it?


The city council wants to rewrite the rules regarding the speed/red light cameras. We will still pay the city, at a smaller rate, but it will be turned into the State. It will go against our driver's license. While I personally haven't gotten a ticket in decades, this seems goofier than the old set up. These people need to be told we don't want this. It is not for safety, and like the storm water fee, is not mandated. Of course this new version of local law will cost us, the taxpayers, more money than the old one. If safety is the issue, put more policemen in our neighborhoods and make us safer. Put the cameras in front of schools, and make us safer. Get rid of the drug dealers and gang bangers and make us safer. Otherwise, it IS about the money and not safety.


Anonymous said...

There have been other cases where the police "lose" a victim so it just doesn't get reported.

cruiser said...

Somethings going on. It can't be to lower the crime rate, that's the highest in the state. I've had more and more people telling me that there's a problem.

Anonymous said...

There is a problem, the cops will tell you there is a problem , the people do as well and guess what folks the problem is BLADEL. Period. New leadership is vital to our survival. This crime situation is getting out of hand here. An average person can tell where the drugs are being dealt from, but the city can't do a damn thing about it? It is far too frustrating. ZERO TOLERANCE.

cruiser said...

I'll agree there is a problem, but I don't think there's any one place that is the source. Bladel is fixated on the cameras, but look at how many people push probation when a crime is committed. The judges is to blame, and they blame the prison system. They claim there isn't enough room in prison. The county attorney is to blame, he doesn't want to get involved with a crack down. The city council is to blame, they don't make it tougher on the punks. And lastly, I think, we citizens are to blame because we put up with it. As long as we keep reelecting these mental midgets, it will stay the same. So while I agree Bladel deserves some of the blame, I honestly think getting rid of him wouldn't solve anything.

Anonymous said...

If we would just fail to provide these people housing, then they would not rest in Davenport. Enforce our rental codes.