I changed things around a bit, and added a few things. It's as new to me as it is to you, but I think it'll work. As usual I'll try to have a variety of topics, but come summer there will be more postings about car events. You can email me at cruisaholic@hotmail.com Keep the shiny side up!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Tale of 2 trials

Here's a couple stories that are in the news this afternoon. Neither is really a surprise, but it is local.

QCTimes story by the times staff
Cassandra Bacon was found guilty of child endangerment this afternoon. Will be sentenced in March. Go to the QC Times.

From the Des Moines Register story by Jennifer Jacobs-
Brian Street was found guilty this morning of sexually exploiting his teenage stepdaughter Tracey Dyess by taking more than 50 color photos of her in sexual poses and engaging in sexual activity with him.

He was also convicted of possession of child pornography for keeping the photos of the 17-year-old girl – 20 years his junior – in a double-locked fireproof safe in his bedroom.

In 2005 the daughter set fire to the house, trying to kill Mr. Street, but instead two of her siblings died in the fire. For more on this go to the DM Register.

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