I changed things around a bit, and added a few things. It's as new to me as it is to you, but I think it'll work. As usual I'll try to have a variety of topics, but come summer there will be more postings about car events. You can email me at cruisaholic@hotmail.com Keep the shiny side up!

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Grafitti nights

I've been seeing some grafitti around town; the 300 block of East Locust, behind Sav-A-Lot, on a garage in the alley behind Sav-A-Lot, and the old laundromat on East 12th to name a few. So I thought I'd run this post to give everybody an idea if the grafitti is just taggers or gang bangers, and a little more about gangs.

Stylized signature
Part of hip hop art
Began in late 1960s
Gain fame by mass producing in
inaccessible locations

Gang graffiti
Styles vary between ethnic group
Hispanic graffiti more artistic, “placa”
Black graffiti is more plain, “hit-ups” –Territorial markers –Symbolism –Sentiments –Identity

Gang structure.

-O.G.s, original gangster. They are in it forever.
-Hardcore. Comprise approximately 5-10% of the gang. These are the die-hard gangsters, who thrive on the gang's lifestyle and will always seek the gang's companionship. The hardcore gangsters will most always be the leaders and without them the gang may fall apart. The gang's level of violence will normally be determined by the most violent hardcore members. They are usually the shooters.
-Regular Members (or Associates). Usually range from 14 to 17 years old; their jobs are robbing and stealing. They are money oriented. They are initiated into the gang and will back up the "hardcore" gang members. If they stay in the gang long enough, they will become hardcore. They usually join the gang for status and recognition. They will wear gang colors, attend gang functions, and may even participate in some gang related criminal activity all to fulfill their emotional need of belonging.
-Wanna-be's. Usually 11 to 13 years old; their jobs are tagging and stealing. They are not yet initiated into the gang, but hang around with them and usually will do most anything the gang members ask of them so that they may prove themselves worthy of belonging.
-Could-be's. Usually under the age of 10. Children of this age are at more risk when they live in or close to an area where there are gangs or have a family member who is involved with gangs. It is important to find alternatives for these children in order that they may avoid gang affiliation completely. Generally, the further into a gang that someone is, the harder it is to get out.

Make-up of different gangs.

-Scavenger Gangs (Wanna-be's): Have no backing from the "real" gangsters. They get killed for using sect names. They are usually trouble makers. They are commonly found in the suburbs. They join gangs because they want to be cool and are nick-named "weekend gangsters". They are usually white and usually join the gang for the intimidation factor.
-Territorial Gangs: They protect their block, neighborhood, or city. They are usually Latino or Spanish, but sometimes are black. Their purpose is to keep their gangs in their neighborhoods and they join for respect.
-Hardcore: They want all rival gangs dead. Their main objective is to make money and to get rid of their rivals. They are mostly black, but some can be Spanish.


There are two main sects: People and Folks; however there is a third sect that is beginning to form by the name of Family. In each sect, there are many gangs which will show an allegiance to one another.


-Some gang names: Bloods, Kings, Counts, Vice Lords, TMV's, TMC's.
-They dress to the right.
-Symbol: Pitchfork turned down, also, a 5 point star which stands for love, truth, peace, freedom and justice.
-Predominant colors: red, black and white.
-Latin Kings use a 3 point crown which is usually black and gold, or just black.
-They are called Slobs by Folk.
-When tagging they always cross out the "C's" (for "crip") and X out the "O's" (for rolling).
-Counts and Kings are from the same sect, but they are rivals. This is unusual since they are from the same sect.


Gang names: Crips, Cobras, Folks Incorporated, Black Gangsters Disciples, Young Guns.
-They dress to the left.
-Pitchfork turned up.
-6 point star: stands for love, unity, money, loyalty, wisdom, and understanding.
-B.G. Kings were the first Folk gang. They were black. It originated in a Chicago prison.
-Predominant colors: Blue, green and black.
-The Cobras use a diamond.
-The folk symbol is the Insane Heart: The horn for the voice of their tribe, the heart for the heart of their nation and the wing is for the rise of their people.
-They are called "Crabs" by the People sect.
-Crips always cross out the "B's" when tagging: "B" standing for "blood".
-Black is for Black Gangster Disciples and Young Guns.
-Blue is for Crip, Cash Flo, and Folks Incorporated.


-Gang name: Cash flo
-They are territorial
-Their symbol is a triangle with a dot at each point and a "F" beneath it.
-Their colors are blue and black
-They are a small sect trying to be independent from the other sects; a spin-off sect if you will.

Gang attire.

Dressing to the right or the left. brim of hat turned to the left or right, pant leg rolled up, shirt collars turned up on one side only, any predominance of colors, colors displayed in wrist or ankle bands, shoe laces, rubber bands, barrettes, and bandannas, tongues hanging out of one shoe, earrings worn on one side only, bandannas or scarves hanging from belt loops, pockets, or tied to the leg. Eyebrows shaved or lines shaved through them. Small tattoos on the inside of the hand or between the thumb or index finger. Burn marks (brands) on the arms, hands, or chest. Look for writing on the inside of hat, or under the brims for gang writing.

Some clothes that have strong gang affiliation:

-Chicago Bulls: People
-North Carolina: Crip Nation, or Cobra Nation
-Detroit Tigers Hat: Disciples
-University of Texas/Long Horn: Insane Folk Heart; looks like heart with horns coming out of it.
-L. A. Kings: Latin Kings
-Green Bay Packers: "G" stands for gangster.
-Georgetown: "G" stands for gangster
-Seattle Mariners: "S" stands for rolling 60 Crip
-Houston Astros: "H" stands for Hoover; folk.

These are just a sample of some of the gang affiliated clothing . One thing to remember: No one wants to be mistaken for a gangster if they are not one. If your child absolutely refuses to part with an article of clothing because you suspect it could be gang related then chances are they want to be recognized as a gang member. Gang graffiti should not be tolerated; writing is common on school books, paper, etc. Hand signs are another way of identifying gang members. Any unusual hand gestures should be questioned.

Miscellaneous info.

How to treat a gangster? Treat them with kindness and respect and they will treat you the same way. It is all about respect. If you have a problem with them, you will accomplish more by talking nice to them and trying to get them to see your position than by being rude, disrespectful, or intimidating.

Remember that the "Real Gangsters" do have standards they live by. Their code of ethics are: Never mess with small children, old people, religious people, or innocent people. It is the "scavengers or wannabes" that act without remorse or guidelines in most cases. I have found that for that reason, the hardcore gangsters are willing to work with people like myself to get these scavengers out of the gang life. They have a tendency to cause more trouble and attention than they are worth.

Gang activity is more rampant in cities that have highway access; thus making it easier to escape from the police after committing a crime; etc.

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