I changed things around a bit, and added a few things. It's as new to me as it is to you, but I think it'll work. As usual I'll try to have a variety of topics, but come summer there will be more postings about car events. You can email me at cruisaholic@hotmail.com Keep the shiny side up!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Another open thread

I'm still working on the remodel that should have been done yesterday. So I thought I'd post some thoughts and have another open thread.

Seems to me like the Michael Richards blow up was on the news way too long. He's human, he messed up, move on.

No American made cars on the 10 safest list. There were however, at least 2 on the 10 worst list.

The RME question still hasn't really been answered. How can they keep going with only 5 volunteers?

The halfway house deal has been quiet since they decided against the old Sears building. I wish them luck in their hunt for new space.

I'll get a little raunchy before I go with someone's take on the meaning of life-

Life is all about ass!!

You are either:

covering it,
laughing it off,
kicking it,
kissing it,
busting it,
trying to get a piece of it,
behaving like one,
or living with one.

Nobody knows what you're thinking, so post and let us know.


Anonymous said...

Under the topic of asses ... glad the publishers and Fox network reversed their decision about airing the "If I Did It" tv show and putting out his book. What arrogance this guy has! Such an insult to the families and the American public. Another real crime is that he still made money on the deal and received it through a third party to keep it from being accessible as part of the civil lawsuit.

Glad everyone spoke up and voiced an opinion to this horrible injustice.


Anonymous said...

I am also glad that they came to their senses (though it took a verbal public relations beating to do so) on the OJ murder circumstances exploitation. What a crime a man who makes well over 20,000 dollars a month, untouchable by the lost lawsuit, could even try to get away of making money off of while making another mockery of the situation. As to M. Richards, his actions were deplorable. But then I also think the whole comedy culture needs an enema. Comedians have found the quick way to fame and glory is shock comedy. I think Richards is just part of a much larger problem.

cruiser said...

Fox didn't remove the OJ special just to be nice. They did it because a lot of people said they would boycott any sponsers. When your ad revenue starts to drop off, you notice. And I don't even watch comedians anymore because either; every other word is a cuss word,it's sophmoric bathroom jokes, explicit sexual content, or racist.

Anonymous said...

Could I have your email?
Keith Meyer Shabonee@netzero.net

cruiser said...

Sure, my email address is-


Anonymous said...

At first I didn't think the Michael Richards incident was that big of a deal. How could it be? Every comedian gets hecklers and sometimes has to deal with them. But when I saw the replay of the incident on aol video, I was shocked. Yes it was totally uncalled for. Richards somehow snapped and became a wild man. He was the one out of control. I could not believe the words that came out of his mouth. I will still watch the Seinfeld reruns but this will forever come to mind when I see the Kramer character. How sad.

cruiser said...

He sure commited career suicide. He really had a following until this happened. Looks like now no matter what he does it won't be enough. On Headline News they must have covered it for 20 minutes straight, with subtitles. And I though he was acting crazy all this time.

Snarky Chick said...

I thought the same thing about Michael Richards. What an idiot. At least his career is over and we won't have to hear from him again.