I changed things around a bit, and added a few things. It's as new to me as it is to you, but I think it'll work. As usual I'll try to have a variety of topics, but come summer there will be more postings about car events. You can email me at cruisaholic@hotmail.com Keep the shiny side up!

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Of ex-cons and Parole officers

It would seem by the QC Times Editorial page that they are in favor of keeping the halfway house here. The 7th. Judicial District encompasses 5 counties; did Davenport get this because of it's crime rate? They'll put it here because they already got a $10 million legislative appropriation to double it's size. My question to the people who want to put it in is this; if 76% of the ex-cons who go through the program get rehabilitated, what about the other 24% who don't? Out of 84 ex-cons there now that would mean around 20 have no intention of going straight. Why not put it in another county and let us get our crime under control rather than add 20 more criminals to the already high rate. And if they double their size; does that mean 40 ex-cons who won't be rehabilitated, and 12 sex offenders?

Directly under that editorial is this one titled- "Parole officers shouldn't be central city landlords". While they have only found one parolee so far, if they have such a success rate; why does this rental property have so many police calls? It's just not working guys. And while it's true they have to live somewhere; why put an ex-con in a high crime area? For that story go to the QC Times.

I have a small remodel tomorrow so I thought I'd post this now. I'll check back when I get done.


Anonymous said...

YOU are correct - it is not working at these rentals and the landlord is not taking care fo the problems. This guy has a clear conflict of interest. He is also a probation officer not just a parole officer. Check out the fact that he has rented to people on probation too, not just parole. He needs to be disciplined.

cruiser said...

There must be an answer out there, but I sure can't come up with it. I agree about the conflict of interest, but I'd bet nothing will be done.

Anonymous said...

The problem isn't with just this particular lanlord but with a majority of the landlords in this town. Think about it, ask the NETS officers. The calls for domestic problems are all rental units. Do away with the rental units the crime will drop. With no landlord accountability you will have bigger problems to come. They rent to everyone and expect the city to run their properties. This city council is corrupt because they are helping the landlords.

cruiser said...

The landlords are part of the problem, but so are low-income renters. They can destroy property and the landlord has to fix it or he doesn't get the rent. The city now sponsers landlord courses and are trying to get the inspection process working again. I don't think there is any one thing anyone could do to solve the problem.

Anonymous said...

Lewis Washington lost his nuisance appeal last week the ruling came out. This was thanks to Mike Ryan at the fire dept and a few neighborhood folks who testified.

Good job.

cruiser said...

I couldn't agree more. Just becase this guy works with cons doesn't give him the right to force them on neighbors. Keep up the good work people.

Anonymous said...

What we could do is enforce our codes. If these criminals renters had no place to live, then too bad - so sad - move on.

Davenport is the armpit of the QCA. We let Landlord run substandard businesses, we give away free money and stuff to people on welfare like it were goingout of style, and we can't say no to the low income tax credits. It is a perfect storm of criminal acitivty brewing and we are now feeling the hurricane.

Anonymous said...

What I think is weird is that we have a entire pool of money used to re-locate bad tenants from bad landlord's properties. Why in hell do we do that? What we shoudl do is pay for one way bus tickets for these people out of town so we can once again have safe neighborhoods. Let's start with the famous thug fet family - the Howards. I would bet my life that we can take up a collection of people who live SOLO and elswehere to get them out.