I changed things around a bit, and added a few things. It's as new to me as it is to you, but I think it'll work. As usual I'll try to have a variety of topics, but come summer there will be more postings about car events. You can email me at cruisaholic@hotmail.com Keep the shiny side up!

Friday, March 16, 2007

Thanks for the cigarette tax

At first I was mad at Govenor Culver for passing this cigarette tax, but I think I'll thank him instead. Now we know our 17-year-old won't start smoking. Since my wife and I will celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary later this year, and we both like to cruise, he did us a favor. With no more people from out of state coming here to buy cigarettes, we'll have less cars to slow traffic. With less of them eating over here after they buy their cigarettes, we won't have as long a wait at our favorite restaraunt.

Also because he decided to pass this, he gave us a good reason to cruise to Kentucky to purchase our cigarettes. Of course while we're there we'll get a room and spend the night, eat there, gas up, and maybe even do some shopping. And if we do this monthly we can get 12 mini-vacations this year. As a bonus we get to watch him squirm while he tries to explain why he closed all those small businesses and put those non-smoking clerks on unemployment. Then there's the fact that this tax isn't going to bring in anywhere close to what he's projected, life is good. Comments are welcome.


Anonymous said...

Read the next blog article! You talk about going south for cigs because you can afford to, to feed your addiction, others will be turning tricks.

Those people working at smoke shops are pushing cigs like a heroin pusher. Plain and simple.

Unknown said...

I never thought of cheap cigarettes as a tourism attraction. Just think, Amsterdam has weed, and used to have cigarettes $0.62 a pack cheaper than Illinois. I guess we'll have to settle for cigarettes $0.38 per pack more expensive than Illinois'.

cruiser said...

The problem with your arguement is that cigarettes are legal. As for being able to travel a little to save money, I'm not alone or rich. And when everybody in the state starts paying higher taxes because this backfires, you can blame me again.
Or cigarettes $1.17 higher than Missouri. I'll cruise for that difference.

Anonymous said...

I see, your saying that without cigarette sales in Iowa, the state will go bankrupt. Wow!

Not to think of the rising federal/state health care cost for cronic COPD patients without private healthcare. That makes sense to me!???

cruiser said...

What I'm saying is, the state is already spending the tax dollars that aren't going to be coming in. When this happens, we'll pay. Why don't we just shoot people if they get old and sick? God forbid we help them when able bodied young baby factories have been scamming welfare monies for generations.