I changed things around a bit, and added a few things. It's as new to me as it is to you, but I think it'll work. As usual I'll try to have a variety of topics, but come summer there will be more postings about car events. You can email me at cruisaholic@hotmail.com Keep the shiny side up!

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Blowing smoke open thread

The population of Iowa in 2,006 was estimated to be 2,982,085 people. Since most people agree that 20% of those are smokers, that means that about 596,417 Iowans are going to pay the $130 million more in taxes. And after we pay these taxes, the money is going to health care for other people. Kids. I you're buying into that, you need help. First off, all of us smokers who can afford to go elsewhere, have bought our last pack of cigarettes in Iowa. People from surrounding states who used to come here, buy cigarettes and gas, shop, and visit our businesses are gone. The only one's left with this tax are people who can't get out of state to buy smokes. Good going. As for saving lives, hogwash. The number one killer of teenagers is car wrecks; the biggest killer of older people is heart disease. That means they got old.
So when they put a 20 cent a can tax on beer, don't cry to us smokers. Just think of the drop in drunk driving. Or when they pass an obesity tax, because that's a rising cause of death, don't cry to us smokers.
That's my thoughts, this is an open thread so post yours. Anything that's on your mind, as long as it can be read by a family member. Your comments are welcome.


Anonymous said...

You're missing the point. Smoking SHOULD be taxed out of existence because it's obnoxious. My main objection to smoking on health grounds is that it fails to kill smokers fast enough or reliably enough. You walk into a room and make it stink and say, "if you don't like it, go somewhere else". You don't belong in polite society. The majority of Iowans will be happy to see you move elsewhere for cheaper smokes.

cruiser said...

You have my sympathy.

Anonymous said...

the dictatorial power can be applied to almost anything caught in the glare of the state's headlights. Best thing for smoker;s is to NEVER buy a pack again in Iowa. Deprive the state of the income

Anonymous said...

Did tou fail to mention the rising cost of healthcare for you smokers?

cruiser said...

No, because I haven't seen it. I'm working on something I'll post later that will make my point. I see a doctor once a year, am on no medication for my smoking, and we pay our own health insurance. So basically, in our case, I don't think it's part of the equation. The state of Iowa is making hundreds of millions of dollars on smokers now and blow the money while we pay our way.

Robbie said...

I guess I forgot that taxes don't go to anything except for health care for people you don't like, and public housing so that criminals can all live in Davenport and piss you off.

Seriously though, don't forget your taxes go to things like roads, education, police, fire, etc...

You seem to have a really skewed view about smoking but you have to remember that smoking is one of the few vices that hurts others. If I choose to eat another pizza, I am hurting no one but myself.

Now I am glad you haven't had any health problems, I wish you no harm. But to you that as justification for smoking is just absurd. My grandmother suffered several years from emphysema and cost taxpayers countless dollars. But yet for some reason she smokes almost until the day she died. So by your logic, smoking should be banned immediately because her health expenses were paid by taxpayers.