I changed things around a bit, and added a few things. It's as new to me as it is to you, but I think it'll work. As usual I'll try to have a variety of topics, but come summer there will be more postings about car events. You can email me at cruisaholic@hotmail.com Keep the shiny side up!

Thursday, January 04, 2007


I don't like what's been going on in the area around Sav-A-Lot on East Locust. In the alley behind S-A-L, a Pontiac had all it's windows broken out during the night. A minivan also had a broken window. The grafitti was bad enough, but this most recent activity is something else. It had better get resolved in a hurry or there are going to be a lot of unhappy campers in this area. The shootings were bad enough; both neighbors still say there were 3, the police say 1. I say with this added vandalism it's more than enough. Somebody better start paying attention soon, there's talk of "lock and load" people. I'd rather see these punks caught than shot.


I just returned from taking a look at what happened and found another victim. A white Chevy in front of 1710 LeClaire Street also got it's windshield broken. At 1706 LeClaire, in the alley, the white Pontiac had windshield and side windows broken by what looked to be a ball bat. I couldn't find the minivan, but was informed by a neighbor that it was in the shop, getting repaired, so I don't have an address for that one. I am assured that police reports are being made. Whoever is responsible for this had better quit while they're lucky. If any of my vehicles get this kind of damage they'll be very sorry. It's the old story, these people are pretty sure who did this, but no proof. If it happens to our vehicles, I don't need proof. I'll make their lives miserable rather they did it or not.

Hats off to the Sav-A-Lot store for getting a crew to remove the grafitti so fast. They were hard at work while I looked over the cars that were vandalized. Whoever put the wheels in motion also deserves a thank you; you know who you are.


Snarky Chick said...

It's pretty sad to see such an increase in crimes during the usually slow winter months. Think the good weather and people out and about has anything to do with it?

cruiser said...

It all goes back to the drug house. I know some of these victims as I have worked on their houses. I think it's just punks. The difference now is, thanks to Alderman Meyer, the police also know about these problems. The shame of all this is that basically this is a good neighborhood with one bad house in it.