I changed things around a bit, and added a few things. It's as new to me as it is to you, but I think it'll work. As usual I'll try to have a variety of topics, but come summer there will be more postings about car events. You can email me at cruisaholic@hotmail.com Keep the shiny side up!

Friday, January 12, 2007

No crime weekend open thread

This is an offshoot of the open thread I posted on Wednesday. Some good points were made and I felt the subject deserved another post. Between the city's obsession with the money tree cameras, and the general apathy towards citizen's concerns for real safety, this is turning into a topic of discussion. Since I will be busy this weekend you can post your comments here all weekend.

While it appears Chief Bladel can't admit it, there is definitely a rise in violent crime again. It never ceases to amaze me that we have had at least 1 shooting, and a fatal stabbing in the new year, and the only thing in the news is about the cameras. Not a word about a crackdown on bangers, or new ordinances; it's all about the cameras. And as if to insult our intelligence they keep coming up with the "it's for safety" speel. Give us a break.

The problem of bad rental properties was addressed in the blogosphere. Not a word from downtown. Dealing with either the renter or property owner usually people nowhere. Rental inspections are rumored to be joke, an enviromental problem leaves people wondering what can be done. Having dealt with the fire department on this myself I can say my experience was worse than with the old system.

The revolving door policy of our courts really puzzles some people. If it truely is a problem with prison space, build more prisons. Wait to build another artificial rain forest and build them. The laws are there, enforce them. There are senteces on the other end of the scale from probation. It's the longest sentence a person can recieve. Use it.

So we should think of ways to help our city solve these problems, because they can't seem to be able do it on their own. I'll start things off. If every neighborhood SoLo held a bake sale, we could in turn give it to the police department when they show up for an emergency. Since the police department seems to be after the almighty dollar in the name of safety, maybe this would improve the response time. We couldn't match the revenue the cameras are generating; but if someone makes really good cookies, maybe it would make crime a priority downtown. So let's put on our thinking hats and see if we can help the city leaders get an original idea. I'll even let them claim mine if they want. For it, against it, or think it's stupid, it's time to let them know what we think.


Anonymous said...


cruiser said...

I agree, but you fail to mention how to go about it. This is another cash cow area for the city. The property owners pay commercial property taxes and inspection fees now, getting the city to get tough on them isn't going to be easy.

Anonymous said...

It would also be a cash cow for the city to collect the thousands in fines AND at the same time get the slum conversians backt o sigle fams and collect some real property taxes on these suckers. We would attract homeowners here and we would generally improve the central city. Crime would be reduced when we clean these slumsup because the criminals will have no place to live - this will decrease the use of our city services. Think about it - think of the possibilities.

Anonymous said...

Holding landlords responsible for things that tenants do will only run off a lot of the good landlords. There are too many rules on the book now that make it difficult for landlords to checkup on tenants without getting dragged into discrimination legal issues. As a landlord who keeps a tight rein on our family rental property I find it is becoming less worth my time to hold on to rental property because I have to worry about balancing my renters rights with city codes having the landlord become the police and immigration department. I have heard of other landlords talking of selling off and leaving the business. I have to agree. Spiraling insurance costs, burgeoning legal issues and city rules requiring the landlord to be held responsible for things they cannot know without violating rights of privacy and laws made to that make the landlord look like they discriminating against tenants and would be tenants will eventually force the hands of honest landlords to sell off to slumlords.

cruiser said...

not ice,
you bring up another side. I agree. We got out of rentals just for the reasons you give. It got to the point it wasn't enjoyable anymore, and as the profits kept going down, we got out. I think the government has to get tougher on the renters, instead of property owners.

Anonymous said...

We need to get back to the time when the homes in this city we just that homes instead of broken into xlum apartments crammed with too many people and irresponsible of lazy landlords. Screen your tenants and give us neighbors are break. When you tenants are dealing drugs, please by all means kick them out.

cruiser said...

Not everyone can afford, or wants to own a home. There are going to be rentals. There are some problems, but remember, when people look at an apartment they are on their best behavior. And a background check might not show any problems either. There are lazy landlords, and lazy homeowners. People have to held accountable. If a tenant breaks something, they should have to fix it. If they throw trash around, they should get a fine. As long as everyone lets them get away with this behavior, they will not change.

Anonymous said...

Good point. I am sorry though, the LLs are smarter then that and so is the average person. Ut you are a good landlord you have less problems - if you have nice properties that are well maitained and good, then you get a better quality tenant. If you have higher standards, you get a better tenant. A LL must be in the mind set of the surrounding homeowners and tenants. When you are screening, ask whether you yourself would want to live next to this person. If they have many many evictions, that is a red flag, a criminal record, are a sex offender, etc. Write a lease that specifically states the numbers of people who can spend the night or who can live there. Go to your property frequently to check on things. When a neighbor calls you with a concern, take them seriosly and fix the problem. We have too many LLs who think thatjust because the property in the central city that they don't have to screen tenants and keep up the property. You are wrong and need to be out of the business. Far too often, the criminals use a young girl with children to rent and then the dealing begins. Excuses aren't cutting it anymore. This city may begin the crackdown, so get out while you can if you can't handle it slumlords.

The magic question to all of you landlords with excuses is "why are there landlords in this town who don't have trouble with thier properties and tenants?"

Think about that and give a good answer to us all. We are waiting to hear you excuses.