I changed things around a bit, and added a few things. It's as new to me as it is to you, but I think it'll work. As usual I'll try to have a variety of topics, but come summer there will be more postings about car events. You can email me at cruisaholic@hotmail.com Keep the shiny side up!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Of jails and sewers

If crime isn't an issue in Davenport, and we have a declining population maybe someone from city hall could explain these figures to me-

A breakdown of the number of inmates at the Scott County Jail for the respective years:

November 1993 221 males, 51 females, 3 juveniles. Total: 275

November 1995 312 males, 60 females, 10 juveniles. Total: 382

November 2000 405 males, 118 females, 5 juveniles. Total: 528

November 2005 622 males, 180 females, 3 juveniles. Total: 805

November 2006 711 males, 199 females, 8 juveniles. Total: 918

Source: Scott County Sheriff’s Department
This is from a story by Deidre Cox Baker in todays
QC Times.

Also in a story by Tory Brecht, it seems Dee Bruemmer is proud of the fact we haven't had a sewer rate hike in quite a while. I'd like to quote Ms. Bruemmer-"Currently, any time a toilet flushes on the west side of Davenport, the waste must flow east to Jersey Ridge Road, south toward the river, then west to the treatment plant on Concord Street."

I've said the sewers need a lot of work, and a lot of people said I was crazy. I think not. Yes, it would be nice to open up over nine thousand acres for development; but why wasn't this done in the decade and a half that our rates haven't risen? I'm not blaming Bruemmer for this, she wasn't in her current position when this started. But putting it off for 14 years can't help with costs of the project. For more on this go
to the QC Times story.


Robbie said...

Cruiser - I think an interesting breakdown would be of what % of the people in jail are for each crime. Because I would tend to think theres a lot of people in there for minor drug crimes.

And while I am the staunchest opponent of doing drugs, I have to wonder what good it really does to lock someone up for smokin some doobies.

Any idea on the ability to find that breakdown of numbers?


cruiser said...

I'll see if I can find out. I don't really think they break it down any further. I've go some things I have to get done today, but if I find anything I will post it tonight. As far as pot arrests, I think it's just a fine unless you have a bunch on you.

QuadCityImages said...

You've got an interesting point about the sewer rates. If they'd raised them a little bit 15 years ago, I wonder how much would we have saved up for the tunnel by now?

cruiser said...

I'd be willing to bet that not all the money colleted for the sewer tax goes to sewer work. It gets siphoned off when it's need elsewhere. We've had at least 4 sewer collapses since they ran the Bix. They have to get on this.

Anonymous said...

The sewers in the cetnral city need repair.

cruiser said...

The sewers need work all over town, but especially the SOLo, central city area. They've been collecting sewer tax for years and making no major improvements. Now they want to do an improvement and raise our sewer tax to do it.