I changed things around a bit, and added a few things. It's as new to me as it is to you, but I think it'll work. As usual I'll try to have a variety of topics, but come summer there will be more postings about car events. You can email me at cruisaholic@hotmail.com Keep the shiny side up!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

A few jail numbers

I was asked on my last post to see what I could find out about jail population. While I couldn't really find it broken down by specific crime, I thought what I did find was interesting and was a little too long for the comment section. Hence the new post. All of the figures are from the Sheriff department webpage. And now, I'm getting back to work.


While I couldn't get numbers, I found some percentages. And while drugs weren't listed it's still an interesting list. The number of people booked at the Scott County Jail more than doubled from 1994 to 2000.

Jail Population as of Dec.,13, 2006 at 12:00 a.m.
Housed In: 209
Housed Out: 89
Special Programs: 6
Total: 304

-85% of people booked at the jail live in Iowa, 77% live in Scott county. Scott and Rock Island County account for 85% of all bookings.
-81% are pre-trial detainees
-60% admitted they were booked into the jail before
-Half of jail inmates are 30 years old or older
-46% of people booked are released on bond
-About 25% of people in jail were charged with felonies, the rest were misdemeaners. Most common reason people were booked into jail is failure to appear, most often they were on unsupervised probation.
-About 25% are unemployed when arrested,and about 15% are unskilled laborers.
-20% of all people booked are women
-15% of people arrested are released in 4 hours or less; and about 66% are released in 48 hours
-About 4% of people booked are sent to prison.


Anonymous said...

I think you should find out where the people arrested go when they are granted pre-trial release. Meaning, how many put down the JLCS shelter as their address. Just curious to dispell any questions about JLCS attracting criminals here.

cruiser said...

Those records aren't public. We all know criminal's have rights. Since only 25% is unemployed when arrested I would imagine that if any were from JLCS it would be a percentage of that. Most of what I read say that homeless are the victims of crime more than the cause.

QuadCityImages said...

Uh oh Cruiser, you're in for it now...

cruiser said...

I don't think I've ever said that the homeless are a major problem. When the poster said JLCS shelter, I assumed he meant homeless shelter. The main problem I have with JLCS is the projects they force on neighborhoods that don't want them.

Anonymous said...

NO - what I mean is that check to see where the criminals are going to, not coming from. What is the number that are released to the JLCS shelter and why? The problem of vagrants downtown is growing steadily. Not that they are criminals, but they are there in abundance. They are like packs of men roaming the streets and alleys downtown. It is odd. As a female, I get looks from these guys and come ons. It is pathetic frankly and I just wonder where they come from and why they came to Davenport.

cruiser said...

The Sheriff's department doesn't say where they go, only and only give general reference as to where they come from. The JLCS is very tight lipped about anything involving the homeless. A lot of lower income/ no income people come here because of benefits they can recieve from various agencies. The main problem with getting any information from these agencies is that they rely on local, state, and federal grants to stay in business. If they tell how many they are actually helping they could stand to lose some or all of this money. They're not about to let that happen. Even figures on poverty level families in the area vary by 10%. Even using the lowest percentage it figures out to over 9,800 poverty level people in Davenport. This probably would include the people you mention. If anyone does have some figures, it would be appreciated.