I changed things around a bit, and added a few things. It's as new to me as it is to you, but I think it'll work. As usual I'll try to have a variety of topics, but come summer there will be more postings about car events. You can email me at cruisaholic@hotmail.com Keep the shiny side up!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

local government update

There is a special City Council meeting tomorrow, WednesdayDecember 5, 2006, at 6:45 p.m. I got it from a very good source that meeting is about the IOC and zoning districts. Wonder where that's going? Looks like the City Council if basically going to give IOC a free pass on whatever they want to do. It would be neat to know what changes the state law made regarding the location of excursion gambling boats.

The hearing was held this morning on the temporary injunction for Sugar's. The Court has ordered them to keep all interior doors open in order to abate the nuisance. This should effectively eliminate any illegal activities occurring on the premises. The Police will monitor.

And lastly, if Police wrote $21,210 worth of snow route tickets Friday, with no overtime hours involved; why does this money end up in the general fund? Shouldn't the money go toward snow removal? There are some pretty rough streets with ice packed snow that could use work. I don't remember it being like that when Yerrington was mayor. There's a few things to talk about, on this short of notice I can't make the City Council meeting tomorrow, but I hope some of you do. I think it's going to get real interesting real soon.


Anonymous said...

Just Cruisin,

Tell the truth who you are and why you want to run again for the 6th ward. Then maybe your boyfriend Bill Lynn will stop feeding you "his view point"...

cruiser said...

First off, I have always lived in the 5th. ward, SoLo, and I don't believe my wife would like me having a boyfriend. I don't know what point of view Alderman Lynn has, but I can assure you it's not mine.

Anonymous said...

And this weeks nasty award goes to 8:52.

Snarky Chick said...

ROFL - I love when these anonymous people try guessing everyone else's identity IRL. Anon, why don't you post your name? As if it matters.

The Sugar's ruling is pretty lenient. We know this place has been a low end brothel for years and years. Enough already!

Streets are horrible! I was coming out of my unplowed so now ice covered street and almost couldn't stop at the intersection onto a main road. Why are some streets not plowed at all?

Anonymous said...

If you know Lynn and you have read Cruisers blog, there views are sort of far from similar. Get with it 8:52 and stop talking out your behind.

cruiser said...

Guess I forgot to add to the post that I don't agree with most of it, I was just passing on what someone else told me. I didn't think the Judge would close Sugar's outright. I also didn't think he would come up with the solution he did. On the special City Council meeting, I didn't get a lot of facts. From what I could read between the lines it does involve the IOC going land base. If that is the case, I also believe it has to move from it's current location. The where, I assume, hinges on changes in the State Zoning Code has been reworked.

When I started this blog I never thought I would ever be accused of thinking like Bill Lynn. Since I'm independantly middle-class, a conservative. And while I do get opionated at times, I very seldom change my point of view or opinion. I, like other blog authors, choose not to use my real name. Some do, and that's fine, but in my case you would still say-"Who is this guy?".