I changed things around a bit, and added a few things. It's as new to me as it is to you, but I think it'll work. As usual I'll try to have a variety of topics, but come summer there will be more postings about car events. You can email me at cruisaholic@hotmail.com Keep the shiny side up!

Friday, November 17, 2006

Texas immigrant problems

If you get the Snopes update in your e-mail you know this, but I thought with the recent local ICE raid I would post it.

Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas, Texas is famous for a variety of reasons;
1. John F. Kennedy died there in 1963.
2. Lee Harvey Oswald died there a short time after.
3. Jack Ruby, who killed Lee Harvey Oswald, died there a few years later.

Parkland also has the second busiest maternity ward in the country. A recent survey indicated that 70% of the women who gave birth in the first three months of 2006 were illegal immigrants. By law, pregnant women cannot be denied medical care based on their immigration status or ability to pay. If you want to read how silly all this is getting, and it gets worse than what I posted here, you can go to the
Snopes site.

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