I changed things around a bit, and added a few things. It's as new to me as it is to you, but I think it'll work. As usual I'll try to have a variety of topics, but come summer there will be more postings about car events. You can email me at cruisaholic@hotmail.com Keep the shiny side up!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Some answers

I'd like to address some issues from my last post. As I said I am not anti-poor. I am very much anti-stupidity. It has been proven welfare causes crime rates to increase. Children from single parent families are 33.3% more likely to exhibit anti-social behavior; black children from single parent families are twice as likely to commit crimes as black children from a family with 2 parents. 70% of juveniles in state reform institutions come from fatherless homes, as do 43% of prison inmates. A 50% increas in the value of AFDC and foodstamp payments led to a 43% increase in out-of-wedlock births; and a $200 a month increase brings this number to 150% increase.

I feel these numbers speak for themselves as to how our welfare system is doing. It is basically condoning poor women having babies with several diverent men, to increase their wefare check. As I have said, everyone needs help at some point in their live. I don't believe it should last for generations.

To address the main issue I say kick ass and take names. Make the fathers of these kids responsible for their welfare, not the taxpayers. Make the father AND mother get an education if they don't have one. Make them work; we have to. I know that's a novel approach, but I feel it works. Since the welfare system itself says a woman on welfare can have a man living with her, just not the father of her kids, change that line of thought. For the sake of the children make the father and mother live together, or somebody pays. If their teenage school kids get pregnant, take away their welfare, charge them with contributing to the deliquency of a minor; make someone pay. If they destroy the screens, smoke detectors, or whatever in their low income housing, make someone pay, them. If low income housing continues it should be written in the lease; you break it, you bought it.

And what's wrong with term limits on welfare. Let's say 2 years; that's plenty of time to get an education, get a job, and save a little money to start on their own. If their juvenille kids commit a crime, the kid goes to jail, mom loses that part of her welfare check until the kid is released. I would also include probation time in this. The way it is now, welfare recipients won't change because they don't have to. If we make them work, they will appreciate it more.

If we let them know they have to do things to stay on welfare; even short term, the excuses will dry up. Welfare is supposed to be for the children, let's make it that way. If a child drops out of school, the welfare ends. The child commits a felony, the welfare ends. The mother's running around and not not watching her kids, the welfare ends. There should be inspections of living areas, and eating areas on a regular basis, in the recipients home. No food, no check. There are ways to correct this problem, and contrary to people's belief, it's not favorable to the children now. They are set up to fail. Let's change it. There is no excuse for a program that knowingly puts kids in an enviroment that is conducive to crime, teen-age pregnancy, and sub-normal living conditions. Most parents I know would want more for their children.


Anonymous said...

Here here - you got it. The only thing that shoudl be free is childcare though - so people can work. McD's pays more then welfare, but not if you have to pay the $100plus a week in childcare.

Anonymous said...

Lately on the news, they have been discussing the dropout rate of high school students. In my opinion, lack of education is a big, if not the biggest contributor to crime and welfare. I say, if you don't have a high school diploma or GED, then you don't get a drivers license till you are 21, or even 25. That might get some attention. If you are driving without a license, you lose your car, on the spot. No time to clean out your cd's. No time to remove the tires and wheels. How do the teens these day buy a $500. car, put in a $1,500 sound system, and $2,000 worth of wheels and tires. And, why? I just don't get it?