I changed things around a bit, and added a few things. It's as new to me as it is to you, but I think it'll work. As usual I'll try to have a variety of topics, but come summer there will be more postings about car events. You can email me at cruisaholic@hotmail.com Keep the shiny side up!

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Downtown problems

It seems like there's a misconception about crime in our downtown. Don't get me wrong, there are some rough areas that need work, but for the most part I feel it is west of Ripley St. at least. This is causing the RME to lose money, and even though I was against it, now that it's up I don't want it to be a money pit. I feel alot of the blame lays in alot of different places. City Adminstrator, City Council, Police Department, and even us citizens.

Why is it our JOD gets the highest rent in the state? Our rates were higher than Des Moines, but if they come down with new team ownership; will the rent still be high? And I, personally, think the city put too much reliance on the parking ramps. We've had them before and they weren't used, but the powers that be thought the new ones would be different. Not so. The over the top enforcement of metered parking to force visitors into the ramps hasn't worked either. It seems JLCS isn't doing their job because the parking ramps seem to be the newest homeless shelter.

And the Figge, our multi-million dollar flop, is another planning disaster. Pretty to look at but nobody thought to plan for parking for visitors. It's really sad that people won't, or can't walk a block for something like that.

What about the skybridge? Even with the televised parade when the skybridge was seen, it was far from overflowing. The Charlie Brigade stikes again.


Anonymous said...

JLCS can't handle the volume of homeless they attract to Davenport. Too many people are coming here in order to be served by JLCS and they can only stay for 60 days. Then they are onthe street. We as a city need to confront the numbers with JLCS. We cna't sustain this anymore. We are becoming a homeless mecca. We need to be helping those here and not attracting people.

cruiser said...

That's what I've been saying, but good luck getting anyone to listen. Snarky and myself have both put facts and figures on post to no avail. Between the homeless and the low-income complexes it's like the city wants more crime. I wish someone would start listening, but I think the almighty buck is going to win. As long as there's State and Federal monies for this nonsense it will continue.

Anonymous said...

Move JLCS and the half way house to Credit Island. Put up big iron gates at the end of the cause-way and hire QCI to sit in the guard house and monitor traffic in and out.

cruiser said...

I didn't know ex-cons needed a golf course. As for QCI, I don't think that would be a job for him.f Maybe there's an abondoned island around somewhere; I'd just like to know, why here? There's 4 other counties to look into also? We must really run them through the system for the court to want it here.