I changed things around a bit, and added a few things. It's as new to me as it is to you, but I think it'll work. As usual I'll try to have a variety of topics, but come summer there will be more postings about car events. You can email me at cruisaholic@hotmail.com Keep the shiny side up!

Saturday, March 10, 2007

the Guardian Angel meeting

We just returned from the Guardian Angels meeting. If I can say one thing about it, it's if you're free this afternoon, make the meeting at United Neighbors at 1p.m. Curtis Sliwa talked the entire one and a half hours non-stop citing cities, dates ,populations, and whether or not they had the co-operation on the local police. He stated that he though we had less of a crime problem than Peoria, but more of a problem than Green Bay, both close to Davenport in population and with Guardian Angel chapters. I was surprised to see Sheriff Conrad, and Mayor Winborn in attendence and don't know what their take on it was.

According to Mr. Sliwa, there is no age limit to join the Guardian Angels. From 16 to whatever. He also said that if a person had a health problem and they felt it may injure them to do patrols, they wouldn't be allowed to patrol. Voluteers of all kinds would be needed, from someone to answer the phones, to someone to help with fundraising. If you have a talent, and are able to help, you can. Mr. Sliwa also said the main difference between a Neighborhood Watch and the Guardian Angels is that they work with kids to keep them out of trouble, and do on occasion make a citizen arrest.

The Guardian Angels have been active for over 27 years, and have never been successfully sued. As to liability. The local chapter would be liable for it's own actions, but any bad press would end up affecting chapters all over the world. There is a 3 month training program for this involving martial arts, and physical training; and courses on the law, federal, state, and local laws. There is more to it than this, and I'll break it down later. They ask for no money from the city, state, or any other governement agencies. The local chapter would be self-supporting through fund raisers from the private sector.

I can honestly say I was leaning heavily towards this program, but after hearing Mr. Sliwa talk both my son and myself signed the volunteer sheet. This just makes a lot of sense to me. As always, your comments are welcome.


Anonymous said...

"self-supporting through fund raisers from the private sector", I can see it now, on the back of the red shirts would be advertising for a local bar and grill. "Eat at Joe's!" ha ha ha..

Anonymous said...

I hope they are planning on considering a Rock Island branch cause ya know more criminals will just come across the river if it gets too tough for them on the Iowa side. It is getting to the point where you need to be strapped just to walk in many places inside the Quad City.

cruiser said...

The fundraising part is more along the line of asking bigger companies for donations. Mr. Silwa did mention we had to think the Quad Cities instead of just Davenport. Once the criminals started moving around other areas would have to prepared for the obvious. In fact he even mentioned riding the bus from Rock Island to Davenport because of problems on the bus.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Mr. Sliwa and Alderman Lynn. This is what it will take to clean up this town. Bladel needs to start cooperating too, or face dismissal by a majority of the Council. Word is that if he does not give the Angels two way radios and answer their calls, then he will be replaced and fast. There is a reason that there have been no liability suits and no deaths in more then a decade. The reason is that in other cities the police chief works with the Angels. Does Davenport want to be the first City not to do so?

Anonymous said...

I can see them now ... Karen Anderson, Janet Ales, Don Stevens, Walter Skrovonski, the "flouride man", Suzie, Rick Anderson, Mary Bogner, et al ... in their red berets ... I feel safer already.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Sliwa spoke of having diverse membership in a local chapter. I saw no people of color at the AM meeting. What about the afternoon? This is concerning.

Anonymous said...

There were many people of color in the afternoon and they spoke up more so then the white people. Don't be concerned.

cruiser said...

After the first meeting with Curtis Sliwa Sheriff Conrad has said he'll help in any way he can. It's a go people, barring any snags the first group of Guardian Angels will graduate in late June or early July, and then hit the streets. Mr. Sliwa does believe in diversity and I noticed the lack of people of color also. Everyone was invited and can join regardless of race or sex. I don't know why nobody else signed up as it was a very diverse group at the Saturday afternoon meeting. Let's hope that changes.

Anonymous said...

To 2:11 - I think you protest too much. At least the people you mentioned are concerned citizens and take the time to address issues even if they are not important to you. We know from past history that the City of Davenport is not necessary looking out for the residence but following their own agenda. It would be nice if more people had the time and oppotunity to express their views (they may even agree with yours). If the people you named are the first ones to wear a red hat - more power to them.

Anonymous said...

Regarding 2:11's comment. Those listed are a noisy minority that do not truly represent the citizen's feelings on the issues. They have too much time on their hands and nothing better to do but get up on a soap box and enjoy listening to themselves talk. Unfortunately the true citizens of Davenport do not make the time to become innvolved in the issues and make themselves heard.

These same people speak at every issue and are easily "motivated" by those that want to stall Davenport moving forward. As far as their outcry about losing the right to speak at committee meetings, what hogwash! When have they EVER been at a committee meeting? Only a couple of people ever attend. Since there is no bingo in the afternoons, that is why only Susie and Mary attend. They have nothing better to do.

Anonymous said...

Regarding 2:11's comment. Those listed are a noisy minority that do not truly represent the citizen's feelings on the issues. They have too much time on their hands and nothing better to do but get up on a soap box and enjoy listening to themselves talk. Unfortunately the true citizens of Davenport do not make the time to become innvolved in the issues and make themselves heard.

These same people speak at every issue and are easily "motivated" by those that want to stall Davenport moving forward. As far as their outcry about losing the right to speak at committee meetings, what hogwash! When have they EVER been at a committee meeting? Only a couple of people ever attend. Since there is no bingo in the afternoons, that is why only Susie and Mary attend. They have nothing better to do.

Anonymous said...

To 2:11 and 12:55,or Dan (one in the same) Stop your ragging on the people that make you look stupid. Get a life fool!

Anonymous said...

Sounds pretty accurate who ever he or she is.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree, it is accurate. I would doubt it is Dan by the way. I don't think he is that crass, but 2:11 and 12:55 has it right!

cruiser said...

From the beginning Mr. Silwa said that the only requirement at this point is a person has to have a pulse and be able to walk the patrol. The publicity hounds, activists, and even us who are serious about this will be weeded out long before the first local Guardian Angels hit the street. There are a lot of things to do and he said that if you can't do them without sacrificing family time, your job or your schooling, not to do it. It is a commitment. Some of us will make time because we believe this is a way to help. The only people I know that would not be welcome is someone who has been drinking heavily, or on drugs, and it's obvious. These demonstrations are also a way for the naysayers to see exactly what the Guardian Angels do.

Anonymous said...

12:06: judging from the times that you blog, you like to reassure yourself by answering as a different blogger, you are a fool! I support anyone who stands up to the "hogwash" (you use that word too much) at city hall. The QCRAPer have been caught with their hands in Lynn's front pocket. Get a grip, keep you business where you live, Bettendorf. God bless those who ctand for the good of Davenport!

Anonymous said...

3:46 Sorry, I am not a QCRPA person, but judging by your harsh language, you are Wally!

Anonymous said...

Everyone that knows Mr. Skrovonski from the QCRAPer call him Wally. I don't, I call him Walter, the name he anounces during the city meetings. Stop the "Hogwash!"