I changed things around a bit, and added a few things. It's as new to me as it is to you, but I think it'll work. As usual I'll try to have a variety of topics, but come summer there will be more postings about car events. You can email me at cruisaholic@hotmail.com Keep the shiny side up!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

killing downtown

In his latest newsletter, Bill Lynn says that the city staff wanted an increase of $1.99 per thousand of assessed value, but argued it down to a debt levy of $.77 per thousand. That's one hell of a difference. If tax would have went up another $1.22 over and above what it did I would be moving. These guys can't collect debts owed, can't keep people here, can't tell the truth, and can't be fiscally responsible. I don't mean aldermen in wards 1 through 5, but I do mean all the rest.

In the same newsletter Lynn claims that when he repeatedly asked for information on organizations the city is subsidizing, he was told the information was private. Lynn knows the city gives $750,000 a year to the Figge, so why not start there? And as far as the subsidized organization information being private; if it's paid with tax dollars how can it be private? I thought all expenditures of public monies were public information.

With the talk of raising the parking rates downtown it appears the majority of the Charlie brigade want to kill off downtown. You don't bring people in by raising the cost and making things more inconvient for visitors. Add to that the red light and speed cameras and I'm sure we'll be known far and wide as a real friendly city.


Anonymous said...

You are right on with your comments. Charlie, Jamie and Davenport 1 have a funny way of representing and taking care of the citizens. Actually, they are only taking care of themselves. Why all of the secrets and double talk when Lynn, Meyer or Hamerlinck ask questions. And if anyone can do a great job of giving a vague response to a question, it is Craig Malin. I hope people really pay attention and take an active part in the next election. There is a good start on the council ... now we just need to eliminate the fakes and frauds. Let's also elect a real mayor this time. Someone who does not have to be told how to conduct a meeting.

Anonymous said...

Downtown has been dead for years.
What's the people count in the Figge Arts Center. We we're told that they would draw 150 thousadn a year. The first month it was open it had a whooping 9000 people rushed thru the doors. It's losing a cool mil a year, the river center another 900 thousand, river music experience another 750 thousand, parking ramps another 300 thousand and the libary owes the city 2.5 million. We have an Industrial park that doesn't have railroad tracks. We paid a developer to take the land on 53rd street. Land that is worth thousands. John O'Donnell stadium is another story. We're gonna give the river boat a 53 million bond for 90 low paying jobs. I could go on and on. If I ran my business like they run this city, I would be serving time in Fort Madison.

Anonymous said...

You charge corruption? Is it time to bring in the FBI? Who ya gonna call?

Anonymous said...

If Davenport One supports it, you know it's a losing proposition!!