I changed things around a bit, and added a few things. It's as new to me as it is to you, but I think it'll work. As usual I'll try to have a variety of topics, but come summer there will be more postings about car events. You can email me at cruisaholic@hotmail.com Keep the shiny side up!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Working together, and Evel Knievel

I was going to do another post on crime, but I decided to do this one instead. Ever since the second car was built, there has been auto racing. People by nature are competitive. Not all of us want the same thing, but all of us want something. This is exactly why people are having trouble getting anything done. Some of us see the crime, some of us don't; some of us see the need for development, some of us don't. But instead of offering alternatives, or valid reasons for or against such thinking, we choose to bicker among ourselves. Why couldn't two things be incorporated into a common goal. As I said earlier, instead of picking fights with each other we ought to pick an example to prove our point.

It appears we all have goals for what we want our city to be, but we're going about it the wrong way. What I mean is this; we need to set aside our differences and try to work together. We have differing educational backgrounds, differing cultural backgrounds, and live in different parts of our community. But I think this gives us greater potential to pool our resources and get the things done that are bothering everybody. The crime issue is connected to other people's complaints; Credit Island was having problems with male prostitutes, Sugar's wasn't helping the business district around them, the rumor that downtown is unsafe. Because of this people don't go to Credit Island like they used to, they also allowed ATV's in the park which scared away the wildlife; businesses along west 3rd are embarassed by their location, and the RME is in real trouble, which takes nothing away from the fact that our zoo needs help. We have different goals, but we all live here, and the only thing bickering does is keep the politicians happy. If we're busy arguing we're not doing anything about the real problems.

And something I found amusing-

Evel Knievel sues Kanye West over video, tradmark infringement on his name and likeness, and the "vulgar and offensive" images damage reputation."That video that Kanye West put out is the most worthless piece of crap I've ever seen in my life, and he uses my image to catapult himself on the public," the 68-year-old daredevil said Tuesday.

A spokesman for West said the 28-year-old rapper no comment. The lawsuit seeks damages and to halt distribution of the video.

For more on this story go to
MSN Music

All mis-spelling, bad grammer and other mistakes in this post are totally the fault of this old fart.

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