I changed things around a bit, and added a few things. It's as new to me as it is to you, but I think it'll work. As usual I'll try to have a variety of topics, but come summer there will be more postings about car events. You can email me at cruisaholic@hotmail.com Keep the shiny side up!

Sunday, December 31, 2006

What's new?

I was told by a friend who lives in the area, that there have been 3 shootings this month in the alley behind Save-A-Lot. He also claims other neighbors say they are drug related and tied to one house in the area. If this is true; how come it hasn't been in the paper? Perhaps the QC Times would say there were no fatalities. Makes one wonder. The police would have to know the house involved; how many shootings does it take to get this under control? While I consider this a rumor at this time as I haven't had my scanner on much lately, he has no reason to lie. I do however know of the house, and I know it's a drug house. If it is true, then something needs to be done. If true I think the police would say that the people involved are buying their home, which complicates things. No it doesn't. Arrest everybody in the house and pump daylight to them. If they are in prison they can't be terrorizing a neighborhood. As with a lot of areas SoLo, this used to be a real nice neighborhood. How much of our area has to go down the tubes before something is done. I don't have the answers, and I don't know who does; but do we want this mess in our little part of the world? I think not.


Alderman Meyer, thank you for looking into this. He checked the facts, and according to the police department, there has only been 1 shooting in this area. As I said, I considered the number of incidents as a rumor. But even 1 shooting is too many.


Anonymous said...

I bet my life this is a retnal property. How many bad rentals do we let go with no consequence? These landlords need to go. Get the QCRPA taken down.

cruiser said...

You'd lose. In this case it's owner occupied by single female head of household. I spend alot of time there in the summer help my buddy put his coupe together.

Anonymous said...

Are you sure? You will be surprised to find out that these slums are rent to own places - either formal or informal through relatives. check is out - what is the address?

cruiser said...

I know for a fact it's not a rental. I won't give the address out because the police will be taking a closer look at it.