I changed things around a bit, and added a few things. It's as new to me as it is to you, but I think it'll work. As usual I'll try to have a variety of topics, but come summer there will be more postings about car events. You can email me at cruisaholic@hotmail.com Keep the shiny side up!

Monday, December 18, 2006

East end burglaries and a missed meeting

Seems we have a bunch of burglaries in the east end, and the Police Department is using an autodial system with a recoreded message. We didn't get a call, but maybe they figured out where I live. Anyway for the story with tips to stay safe go to
QC Times story.


I really should have the meeting held by Alderman at Large Frink. After looking over the notes, I have more questions than answers. The data base of bad renters seems to be going nowhere fast. The NETS program seems destined to be cut when funding goes down. And while it worked at Goose Creek, if they stay in the area it's not helping other areas where the criminals now hang out.

It seems like the city representitives at this committee feel that our crime problem lies with the state. We don't have enough beds because the state cut our money. Sorry, ain't buying it. We have money for everything else, find it. Get the money. We want, and deserve, a safe city. Lock them up. And someone was quoted "Stabilization is the key, but destabilization of other areas of city not our problem." Huh? Either I missed something, or someone has a cavalier attitude toward our little crime problem.
And to focus on repeat offenders, and working with the court liason is not the answer to our problems. The focus should be on the 17 year old with 20 offenses and getting his butt off the street. But at least our Police department got nation accredidation again. Speaking of the DPD; why not make them, and all city employees live in the city?

The Fairly integrate program, a neighborhood finance program, sounds interesting. I'd have to see and hear more on it before deciding if I like it, but it has promise. I do like the part that it's not based on income.

A citizen brought up a few points, too much building, cheap money, low interest, foreclosures up to 1985 level. Then mentions 20% vacancy rate in 5th ward. Sounds low to me. Claim is DPD would support moratorium on building for 36 months until population grows.

Didn't like Alderman at Large Frinks comment "We have what we have (for NEO), we need to move forward." No sir, we need to make for sure it's working before we move on.

The AA bond rating is good, can they keep it up? It sounds like maybe some excuses being made for a tax hike in the future.

Nothing much got answered about the IOC. Three options; which I said from the get go. Stay down town, move to interstate, or leave. Alderman at large Frink claims the city holds their license. And if they leave; what happens to the agreement about the Blackhawk Hotel, the Dock property, and the money for the sky bridge? Can you say, blowing in the wind?


Anonymous said...

I live south of locust, up the hill and we had a bunch of burgalries a year ago, but didn't get any attention. I guess if you live SOLO you are SOL.

cruiser said...

That's why I put this quote in "Stabilization is the key, but destabilization of other areas of city not our problem." The way I read that is, if the crime comes here tough. They still get to say what a great job they're doing at Goose Creek. And that friends is why it isn't working.

Anonymous said...

I was there and the comments in this area were in response to the crime just moving into other areas of town. Barnhill was concerned that when we clena up one area, the stable areas are getting hit now and at risk. The people at the meeting just thought that it is about time that the bad areas get cleaned up and that all of the city should take an interest in the crime and blight problem because it may come to you too. We all felt that the SOLO areas need to get more attention and deserve that attention and we were all sick of hearing the excuse being that the crime will just move elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

Barnhill also was under the impression that the city is obligated to house people no matter how badly they behave. Baffling.

cruiser said...

Aah, politicians. SoLo has always been shortchanged when it comes to crime and blight. Jerks just seem to get away with down here. And we have to remember about Alderman Barnhill, that it's the state's fault they judges let the criminals go. And we all know they can't turn down all that tax credit money from the project. I like where this is going.

Anonymous said...

We need to let IOC leave the river front and move out to the Inter State, but NO CITY FUNDS for that project.

We need for them to set up a fund to pay off the debt for the SKYBRIDGE, and other things that they will leave us with downtown. Like the parking ramps that they were suppose to rent in the off hours.