I changed things around a bit, and added a few things. It's as new to me as it is to you, but I think it'll work. As usual I'll try to have a variety of topics, but come summer there will be more postings about car events. You can email me at cruisaholic@hotmail.com Keep the shiny side up!

Monday, November 13, 2006

What problem?

People don't seem to be the message here. You people in denial of any crime in our city must not have had your car vandalized in the recent spree. I think that one of the local TV channels or Radio stations should do a public service announcement to ask the people who did this to turn themselves in, since the police can't find them and the damage keeps mounting. Here's a thought; the entire City Council's term runs out 12-31-07, vote them out. We have had costs overruns of millions of dollars on these pet projects that are going nowhere, most recently the Adler coming in at over $13 million. 30% of us said no to the judges keeping their seats, except one, and he did worse. The county attorney doesn't seem to have a plan other than being against outside help. These people need a wake up call. Remember people, if we don't fix this problem, our kids will inherit our problem.

Snarky did an earlier post on this subject, check it her blog.


Snarky Chick said...

The county attorney's plan should be a simple one - Prosecute and Prosecute FULLY. Why is he the only one who doesn't get it?

Really his opinion on the outside help has no relevance. Law enforcement is separate from prosecution.

cruiser said...

I don't know if it's apathy or arrogance, but I believe Davis should either retire or do what we pay him for. The same goes for the judges. With the city council election in 2007, it will be interesting to see who remains on the council. And you're right Snarky about enforcement being separate from prosecution; Davis said at the time he was worried about lawsuits caused by the Guardian Angels coming to town.

Snarky Chick said...

Davis still wouldn't have anything to do with lawsuits from Guardian Angels. Those guys would be responsible for themselves. It's almost like he wants the crime.

Anonymous said...

Conservative Demo here:

You wrote, "Here's a thought; the entire City Council's term runs out 12-31-07, vote them out."

Aye, thankfully we still can do that; if the staggered-terms jerkwads had gotten their way we wouldn't have that option.

cruiser said...

Exactly, people. Davis isn't doing his job, and the council isn't doing theirs. And while we can vote them out, the bonds will still come due. I wonder how may sold out performances the Adler would have to do to break even on the $13 million plus price tag.

Anonymous said...

The City only paid $350,000 for the Adler redo. Vision Iowa paid $4.1 million, the Adler Foundation paid $1 million and the remainder came from fundraising and state and federal tax credits. There are no bonds due. Period. Do you understand that? Zero. None. Zilch. Is that clear? $0.00. Got it?

cruiser said...

I don't know where you got your figures from but they're different from mine. And when I said about the bonds coming due, I meant the entire river renaissance deal. It still cost too much money.