I changed things around a bit, and added a few things. It's as new to me as it is to you, but I think it'll work. As usual I'll try to have a variety of topics, but come summer there will be more postings about car events. You can email me at cruisaholic@hotmail.com Keep the shiny side up!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Local open thread

Thought I'd try something different, for me anyway,and do an open thread post. I'm going to be busy for a few days so I can get some rush work done. Post what you think as long as it's G rated.

Horizon Homes- I still don't think it's a good idea, and I'm sure the neighbors don't either. I can only hope it turns into a model for how to do it right.

JOD- Brooke's comment in the QC Times about the council getting gridlocked made me chuckle. Wasn't he Mayor when the last deal was signed with Kraus? Hope this turns out better.

Skybridge- A Holiday Market on the Skybridge, I hope it works to offset the maintenance costs. But if the booths are 8 foot by 8 foot; will that leave enough room for people to actually get through?

Vilsack- Govenor Vilsack commuted a life sentence of a man convicted in 1982 of first-degree murder in a drug deal gone bad. Even commuting it to 125 years, in Iowa, that means he'll be eligible for parole in 7 years. Vilsack says he's a model prisoner, and I'm sure he is; actions like this is why I'm for reinstating the death penalty.

USPS- We have a new mail carrier and it's driving us nuts. Starting back when we registered our son for school. We didn't recieve a registration packet and the school informed us that since we moved, they didn't have our new address. It went to someone else's house and they wrote "Doesn't live here" on it. We have lived in this house since 1994. We get mail for other people also, but calling the post office is an aggravating experience.

Well, there's some ideas or make up your own. I'll check back after I get done with a roof and overhang job.

snarky has a similar post on her blog you might want to check out.


Anonymous said...

I am not happy with the Horizon Homes decision either but consider it the lesser of two evils. Really appreciate Ald. Hamerlinck working hard to at least put some restrictions in place. This whole new group of players, especially the guy who is a "pastor", seem really shady. They claim to have partnered with groups like Family Resources, YMCA and Big Brothers, etc. to have on-site resources to keep the kids out of trouble. Wish them a lot of luck but would bet you that within a year these groups are gone from the picture.

Anyway, thanks again to Hamerlinck for trying to save problems in the 2nd ward.

Anonymous said...

We still don't buy the response that DAVENPORT ONE has nothing to do with Horizon Homes.

cruiser said...

Instead of social workers onsite, they need security to cut down on police calls. As for Davenport One, I don't know what they're involved with. Seems like anything Davenport One is rumored to be involved with is a huge failure. The aldermen who are trying to make a differnce are shot down by the Tuna brigade and made to look like idiots. I sure hope things change.

Snarky Chick said...

What was the supposed relationship between D1 and Horizon?

cruiser said...

I don't know of one. I've heard rumors, but none were confirmed. anon at 9:44 do you know anything else?

Anonymous said...

Horizon Homes is our Arsenal Courts. It has been a huge failure and a huge burden on us for years and years now. The pastor is shady and that group is responsible for other troubled low income projects in poor areas. We are stupid for supporting this. I hate the excuse for support being that the place will stay the same if we don't give them 1/4 of a million. Why on earth do we as a city ALLOW for the place to be run so poorly? It is our fault for putting up with the poor management. All the money is the world will not replace good management. I say keep our money and force them to manage and screeen properly and if they don't then shut them down.

cruiser said...

I just can't believe that the facts are there that these complexes don't work and the government keeps pushing them out. It's a known fact these complexes raise the crime rate, the teenage pregnancy rate, and the illiteracy rate, and they still put em up. It must be a case of use the State and Federal monies, or lose them. I just think there are better uses for the money.

Anonymous said...

The availability of low income housing tax credits is why these complexes and other apartments get built regardless of need or the priorities of Davenport. The developer and purchaser of the tax credits both get handsome payouts. Non-profits want in too as developers for the same reason. Mission work is expensive and they are lured by the carrot of developer fees. We're not talking chump change either. The state of Iowa is giving away tax revenue so apartments can be built - the same apartments that become a drain on local resources when they go bad. Write your congressman but check his investments first.