I changed things around a bit, and added a few things. It's as new to me as it is to you, but I think it'll work. As usual I'll try to have a variety of topics, but come summer there will be more postings about car events. You can email me at cruisaholic@hotmail.com Keep the shiny side up!

Monday, November 27, 2006

Catching up open thread

Thought I'd post an open thread so I can get some work done I put off over the Holiday. Here are some of my thoughts, or give us some of your own. Until I get back, keep the shiney side up.

I said a while back that it should get interesting with IOC and downtown, and I still believe this. I have a feeling that Rythm City is going to push for a site on the Interstate, and I also feel most on the City Council are going to push to keep it downtown. If the boat moves and some of the development plans included it, the council would have a problem. Was part of the monies recieved contingent on the boat being on the riverfront? If so; how much is it going to cost us? If not; how much is it going to cost us?

It's no secret Ethanol is not my fuel of choice. The more I read on Butanol the more I can't understand why we're not getting behind it 110% as a real answer to gas shortages. It still couldn't replace gas because we don't have the corn, but it would be better for the environment, better for the cars, and better for us. Ethanol plants could be converted to make Butanol, the farmers still sell the grain; and we, the consumers, get a more efficient, cleaner choice.

If I heard correctly, the city goes to court to close Sugar's on December, 5, 2006. I wonder if there are alot in town who won't be listening to hear how it turns out.

An Arizona Congressman wants to cut teh pork on Capital Hill. To read more go to CBS News. It seems he has some opposition.

Crime is still out there, but not getting much media coverage it seems. Maybe all the criminals played nice for Thanksgiving.

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